Healthy Vision Month
What does vison health have to do with Chiropractic care?
Chiropractic care can be beneficial in treating a long list of aliments. Every part of the body is connected to your nervous system and your spine. Which is why caring for your spinal health, your are caring for your overall health.
Chiropractic adjustments can correct misalignments to ensure that blood and oxygen get to the optic nerve to help restore or improve your vision.
Furthermore, chiropractic care can reduce the pressure on your eyes. When you suffer from glaucoma, diabetes, or high blood pressure, eye pressure can be a common symptom of that. Chiropractic care can help reduce optic nerve pressure by regulating the blood flow in the area, soothing symptoms and reducing further problems. IF you would like to learn more about visual health and chiropractic care, we'd be happy to discuss it with you at your next appointment.
We also encourage to make regular appointments with your optometrist for vision wellness.
Grilling Better
July is National Grilling Month, so it's an important time to understand the importance of grilling healthier.
BE CLEAN...old grill residue and burnt materials are not suitable for us to consume. Use a wire brush to clean up your grill before and after use.
REDUCE THE HEAT.... just because you're cooking over a fire doesn't mean it needs to be out of control.
When the heat is too much and comes into contact with protein, research shows that it produces smoke associated with cancers. Cook the food longer at a lower heat or use foil wrap with a couple holes to reduced the charred burnt outer layer.
TRY SOMETHING NEW.... change things up by throwing
on some zucchini, eggplant, mushrooms, and bell peppers. Grilling makes everything taste better, so explore your options by using fresh, organic vegetables.
THE 12 Stages of Healing
Whether you're suffering from physical, mental or emotional pain and are seeking to get on the healing path, we encourage you keep up with our blogs on The 12 Stages of Healing (Somato Respiratory Intergration). We will start posting information on the stages to help you gain more from your care sessions and self-improvement homework.
In nature, you leave yourself behind. You are nobody in the woods. When faced with a particularly difficult problem, I find it’s always healthier to just get out of the house and go for a walk rather than trying to force the answer. For in the repetition of walking you empty yourself out, free yourself of opinion and expectation, and embody once again humanity’s innate character. In this state of emptiness, your mind begins to clear — and then the gods descend to fill the void. Freedom of movement stimulates the mind, bringing forth divine wisdom. A free body is a free mind.
In my experience, all anxious and depressive feelings seem to dissipate when walking along a woodland path. And if you walk far enough you eventually achieve a state of joy — a quiet, inner happiness — and you are relieved, as you have escaped the walls, the squares, the eternity of sitting, of stagnation; now you are moving over the landscape, over the hills and far away, fighting against gravity, breathing fresh air, with a pulsing heart and an appetite for flowers and sunlight. You are free in search of the springs of life. A long walk is a rebirth of consciousness; one never returns quite the same, and is always better off for it.
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